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Latest UNITROL 1000 automatic voltage regulator he

Posted:2019-11-20 15:15:39 Author:


The Kappelerhof hydro power plant, operated by the utility Limmatkraftwerke AG, provides electricity to the city of Baden in Switzerland. The power plant’s 30 years old UNITROL M automatic voltage regulator (AVR) came to the end of its life cycle and was successfully replaced by UNITROL 1020, ABB’s latest AVR product. Besides additional functionality this new product provides full support to meet the demanding grid code requirements and ensures stable and accurate regulation even with highly disturbed voltages.
The Kappelerhof hydro power plant, located on the river Limmat, was the first ever power station constructed by ABB (at that time BBC) in the country in 1891. The plant has an output capacity of 2 x 6,8 MW and supplies electricity to the city of Baden that has around 18.000 inhabitants. End of 2011 ABB Excitation Systems supplied the power plant with their latest product - UNITROL 1020 automatic voltage regulator - to replace the old AVR that came to the end of its life cycle.

Limmatkraftwerke AG is completely satisfied with UNITROL 1020 AVR because of its accurate performance and the good experience the utility gained so far. The customer also pointed out the pleasant cooperation with the involved ABB project team.

UNITROL 1020 belongs to the UNITROL 1000 range of automatic voltage regulators. With output current up to 40 ADC, the product is able to manage fault ride through (FRT) conditions imposed by demanding grid codes. Fast detection of network short circuit as well as boost functionality keeps the machine online. The integrated power system stabilizer (PSS) function includes injection points as well as test points to verify the PSS transfer function. The non-volatile flash memory of the AVR stores events and data logs to enable fault analysis and fast troubleshooting. Additionally the device software can be enhanced with a synchronizer function
“UNITROL 1000 products are showing excellent performance, particularly where reactive load sharing and fast synchronization are required,” says Rudolf Moeckli, Product Manager of UNITROL 1000 range.